Installing the SpringCore Tools on Windows, macOS and Linux

SpringCore is the umbrella name to the new generation of SpringCard devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc.) that share the same MCU platform and the same overall architecture.

To manage, configure and update these devices, SpringCard has developed SpringCard Companion, a complete and versatile hybrid solution that combines the ergonomics of a modern web application with the power of a gateway service running on Windows 10 (or later).

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PCSCCheck, the all-in-one tool to validate and tune your PC/SC installation

An analysis of the questions that are the most frequently asked to our technical support shows that many issues and concerns are due to the settings or the behaviour of Windows operating system itself.

This is particularly the case in security-enforced corporate environments, where strict administrative policies may prevent the user to install the right driver, or even prevent the applications to access local smart card readers.

The fact that Windows raises a couple of notifications (“Setting up a device”, then “The smart card requires drivers that are not present on this system”) every time a card is inserted in a PC/SC reader for the first time is also the source of many questions, that this article will address.

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New firmware for all SpringCard PC/SC couplers based on the H663 core

SpringCard has just released a new firmware version, tagged 2.00, for its H663 core. The H663 core is a versatile contactless+contact module, which supports virtually all proximity/RFID HF chip cards (ISO 14443 & ISO 15693 standards, including Mifare, Calypso, etc), NFC-enabled mobile phones or other objects (ISO 18092, peer-to-peer in initiator mode, passive communication scheme), … Read more

PC/SC driver updated

We’ve just published a new release of our WHQL-certified driver for SpringCard PC/SC products. This new version (code name: SDD480-BB) fixes a few bugs that have been experienced with the earlier release: – corrected a memory leakage that used to occur as a consequence of frequent SCardControl calls – CSB6 now reports correctly “card mute” … Read more

New WHQL-certified PC/SC driver

Edited 24/04/2012: an updated version has been published to correct a few bugs. Please read this article. Our new PC/SC driver is now online and ready for download! This driver (code name : SDD480-BA) has been certified my Microsoft’s Windows Hardware Qualification Labs (WHQL) for both 32 and 64 bits operating systems. It targets all … Read more