Firmware release 1.75 for H512 and NFC’Roll

A new firmware version (release 1.75.2) has just been published for SpringCard H512 and NFC’Roll. This firmware improves the behaviour in card emulation and peer-to-peer (initiator) mode, allowing more reliable exchanges with most smartphones running either in reader or peer-to-peer (target) mode. The same version will be released very soon for H663 and Prox’N’Roll PC/SC. … Read more

Using SCardControl under Linux and from a Java program

SCardControl is the PC/SC function that makes it possible for the application to invoke ‘proprietary’ functions, implemented either in the PC/SC reader itself (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger or CrazyWriter) , or in its driver running on the PC, or in the PC/SC middleware. The prototype is: LONG SCardControl( SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwControlCode, LPCVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD nInBufferSize, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD nOutBufferSize, LPDWORD … Read more

SpringCard introduces new SDK for NFC-enabled PC/SC readers

It’s now the final countdown before the launch of new SpringCard NFC products, H512 and NFC’Roll. Both products are not only able to read/write NFC Tags, but they also introduce NFC peer-to-peer communication and an innovative Card emulation mode. The developers who already have an early release of either product, or who want to start … Read more

Retrieving the firmware version of your SpringCard PC/SC reader

In order to retrieve the firmware version of your SpringCard PC/SC reader (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger and CrazyWriter), you’ll need the Springcard PC/SC Diagnostic Tool, available in our SDK (PcscDiag2.exe). Once launched, the tool should display your smart card reader. In the following snapshots, the reader is a Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, but it would be same for other PC/SC readers (CSB6, … Read more

Print and encode simultaneously using SpringCard CrazyWriter and Evolis Zenius

Evolis Zenius is a color or monochrome card printer. Evolis offers SpringCard CrazyWriter PC/SC (ISO 14443, ISO 15693 + 2 SAM) as the contactless encoding option for Zenius -as well as for the other printers in its portfolio. Zenius plus CrazyWriter makes it easy to issue personalized cards on-the-field. In this article we’ll show how … Read more

PC/SC driver updated

We’ve just published a new release of our WHQL-certified driver for SpringCard PC/SC products. This new version (code name: SDD480-BB) fixes a few bugs that have been experienced with the earlier release: – corrected a memory leakage that used to occur as a consequence of frequent SCardControl calls – CSB6 now reports correctly “card mute” … Read more