Installing the SpringCore Tools on Windows, macOS and Linux

SpringCore is the umbrella name to the new generation of SpringCard devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc.) that share the same MCU platform and the same overall architecture.

To manage, configure and update these devices, SpringCard has developed SpringCard Companion, a complete and versatile hybrid solution that combines the ergonomics of a modern web application with the power of a gateway service running on Windows 10 (or later).

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Cardpeek – open source tool to read the content of smartcards

We’ve discovered a new open source project (lead by “L1L1”) that sounds promising. Cardpeek is a Linux tool to read the contents of ISO7816 smartcards. It uses a PC/SC reader to communicate with the card, and its GTK GUI represents card data is a tree view. Cardpeek list of supported cards is expandable thanks to … Read more