SpringCard NetPCSC for PCSC-Lite


In 2016, SpringCard introduces a new family of network-attached NFC/RFID couplers, providing PC/SC functionnality on top of TCP/IP. The family is built from the SpringCard E663 module, the Ethernet-world counterpart of H663 (for USB world) and K663 (for serial world). The two first products of the family are the TwistyWriter-IP PC/SC, made for OEMs, and the FunkyGate-IP PC/SC, targetting access-control applications. The second one is also available as a FunkyGate-IP+POE PC/SC, where ‘POE’ stands for ‘power-over-Ethernet’, i.e. the device takes its power from the network cable.

To support all the devices based on the E663 module, SpringCard has developed from scratch a PC/SC driver for Windows (see this page).

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SpringCard PC/SC SDK VERSION 2016.03

The version 2016.03 of our PC/SC SDK is now available for download: pcsc-sdk_2016-03.zip. You can use it with our products in the SpringCard CSB6 Family (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger and CrazyWriter), with our products in the H663 family (Prox’N’Roll HSP PC/SC, CrazyWriter HSP, TwistyWriter HSP, CSB HSP) and our NFC readers/encoders (H512, NFC’Roll). This SDK … Read more

SpringCard NetPCSC for Windows

In 2016, SpringCard introduces a new family of network-attached NFC/RFID couplers, providing PC/SC functionnality on top of TCP/IP. The family is built from the SpringCard E663 module, the Ethernet-world counterpart of H663 (for USB world) and K663 (for serial world). The two first products of the family are the TwistyWriter-IP PC/SC, made for OEMs, and the FunkyGate-IP PC/SC, targetting access-control applications. The second one is also available as a FunkyGate-IP+POE PC/SC, where ‘POE’ stands for ‘power-over-Ethernet’, i.e. the device takes its power from the network cable.

To support all the devices based on the E663 module, SpringCard has developed from scratch a PC/SC driver for Windows.

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PC/SC Driver updated, from Windows XP to Windows 10

We’ve published a new release of our certified driver for SpringCard PC/SC products. This new version runs from Windows XP to Windows 10 in 32 and 64 bits. To download the driver, please go to http://www.springcard.com/en/download/find/file/sd16055 The installer contains both x86 and x64 binaries and will automatically select the most suitable for your system. This release … Read more