How to setup and use a SpringPark as a SmartReader/HTTP client

The aim of this tutorial is to configure a SpringPark as a Network SmartReader/HTTP client. The SpringPark in this configuration acts as an HTTP client (default factory port is 80) and sends its tags to the server.

For this howto, we will assume that:

  • your SpringPark is using a default (from factory) configuration.
  • you have some networking basis.

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PC/SC on Linux and Mac OS X with Mono

One the goals of the Mono project is to make Microsoft .NET applications runnable on Unix systems. Using Mono, it is therefore now possible to maintain a single C#/.NET code base, that runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

In this context, SpringCard’s PC/SC SDK ( has been updated, so that it now enables developers to write PC/SC applications in C#/.NET, that can execute on Windows, as well as on Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

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HTTP client feature added to FunkyGate-IP/RDR

What is still possible: the Classical Access Control Architecture

SpringCard FunkyGate-IP/RDR is a network-attached wall smart reader, targetting physical Access Control and adopted by modern office buildings, airports, sensitive areas. The FunkyGate-IP+POE/RDR is the powered-by-the-network version. In a classical Access Control Architecture, the FunkyGate-IP/RDR acts as a TCP/IP server, and the Door Controller or the Access Control Central Computer connects to every reader as a client. The communication uses a custom client/server protocol, designed for reliability, security and speed.

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SCardSniffer spies the exchanges between a PC/SC application and PC/SC middleware

SCardSniffer is a new tool used to spy the exchanges between Windows applications and the smart cards or NFC tags that are accessed through a PC/SC reader (or coupler).

SCardSniffer main window

On a Windows computer, all card-aware applications communicate with smart cards or NFC tags through the system’s PC/SC library, winscard.dll.

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SpringCard NetPCSC for PCSC-Lite


In 2016, SpringCard introduces a new family of network-attached NFC/RFID couplers, providing PC/SC functionnality on top of TCP/IP. The family is built from the SpringCard E663 module, the Ethernet-world counterpart of H663 (for USB world) and K663 (for serial world). The two first products of the family are the TwistyWriter-IP PC/SC, made for OEMs, and the FunkyGate-IP PC/SC, targetting access-control applications. The second one is also available as a FunkyGate-IP+POE PC/SC, where ‘POE’ stands for ‘power-over-Ethernet’, i.e. the device takes its power from the network cable.

To support all the devices based on the E663 module, SpringCard has developed from scratch a PC/SC driver for Windows (see this page).

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