Tag: NFC

  • Optimize the standby consumption of the M519 and leverage LPCD

    An HF NFC/RFID reader or coupler usually spends most of its operating time waiting for a contactless card to arrive. To detect this arrival, the reader or coupler must Obviously, this means that most of the operating time consists of… wasting a lot of energy, just to wait. The Tartar Steppe (Il deserto dei Tartari)…

  • SpringCard PC/SC SDK version 2.12

    The version 2.12 of our PC/SC SDK is now available for download: pcsc-sdk_2-12.zip. You can use it with our products in the SpringCard CSB6 Family (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger and CrazyWriter) and our NFC readers/encoders (H512, NFC’Roll).

  • Firmware release 1.75 for H512 and NFC’Roll

    A new firmware version (release 1.75.2) has just been published for SpringCard H512 and NFC’Roll. This firmware improves the behaviour in card emulation and peer-to-peer (initiator) mode, allowing more reliable exchanges with most smartphones running either in reader or peer-to-peer (target) mode. The same version will be released very soon for H663 and Prox’N’Roll PC/SC.…

  • SpringCard introduces new SDK for NFC-enabled PC/SC readers

    It’s now the final countdown before the launch of new SpringCard NFC products, H512 and NFC’Roll. Both products are not only able to read/write NFC Tags, but they also introduce NFC peer-to-peer communication and an innovative Card emulation mode. The developers who already have an early release of either product, or who want to start…

  • Card analysis on NFCWizard

    NFCWizard.com is a free web-based online service, created and managed by SpringCard. Thanks to a Java applet, NFCWizard makes it possible to read and write SmartPoster or vCard tags directly within your web browser! NFCWizard is compliant with NFC Forum type 2 tags (Mifare UL family, and equivalent chips) and NFC Forum type 4 tags…

  • Upgrade in our PC/SC SDK (release 1.20)

    The release 1.20 of SpringCard PC/SC SDK is now available in the Download section of the website (direct link to latest version : http://www.springcard.com/download/find.php?file=pcsc-sdk). This SDK is meant to be used with our products in the SpringCard CSB6 Family (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger and CrazyWriter). People working in the ’emerging’ NFC field will be glad to discover the updated versions of NFCTool,…