Optimize the standby consumption of the M519 and leverage LPCD

An HF NFC/RFID reader or coupler usually spends most of its operating time waiting for a contactless card to arrive.

To detect this arrival, the reader or coupler must

  1. ensure continuous or quasi-continuous transmission of its carrier, since it is its own RF field (magnetic waves) that remotely powers the card,
  2. send search frames in an un-interrupted loop, using all the protocols it supports (REQA/WUPA, REQB/WUPB, Anticall, SENS_REQ, etc), to give the card the opportunity to respond as soon as it has been powered-up.

Obviously, this means that most of the operating time consists of… wasting a lot of energy, just to wait.

The Tartar Steppe (Il deserto dei Tartari) is a novel by Dino Buzzati, that tells the story of an officer, who spends all his energy waiting for the arrival of a contactless card. Well, not exactly, but, you’ve got the idea.

In the SpringSeed M519 module, and also in most other SpringCore products, the card waiting policy (polling policy) can be optimised to reduce the average power consumption of the product.

In highly demanding use cases, the LPCD (low-power card detection) feature can even dramatically reduce standby power requirement, to less than 10mA (however, this comes at the price of some implementation constraints, which you must be aware of before using this mode).

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Firmware release 1.75 for H512 and NFC’Roll

A new firmware version (release 1.75.2) has just been published for SpringCard H512 and NFC’Roll. This firmware improves the behaviour in card emulation and peer-to-peer (initiator) mode, allowing more reliable exchanges with most smartphones running either in reader or peer-to-peer (target) mode. The same version will be released very soon for H663 and Prox’N’Roll PC/SC. … Read more

SpringCard introduces new SDK for NFC-enabled PC/SC readers

It’s now the final countdown before the launch of new SpringCard NFC products, H512 and NFC’Roll. Both products are not only able to read/write NFC Tags, but they also introduce NFC peer-to-peer communication and an innovative Card emulation mode. The developers who already have an early release of either product, or who want to start … Read more

Card analysis on NFCWizard

NFCWizard.com is a free web-based online service, created and managed by SpringCard. Thanks to a Java applet, NFCWizard makes it possible to read and write SmartPoster or vCard tags directly within your web browser! NFCWizard is compliant with NFC Forum type 2 tags (Mifare UL family, and equivalent chips) and NFC Forum type 4 tags … Read more

Upgrade in our PC/SC SDK (release 1.20)

The release 1.20 of SpringCard PC/SC SDK is now available in the Download section of the website (direct link to latest version : http://www.springcard.com/download/find.php?file=pcsc-sdk). This SDK is meant to be used with our products in the SpringCard CSB6 Family (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger and CrazyWriter). People working in the ’emerging’ NFC field will be glad to discover the updated versions of NFCTool, … Read more