Category: External resources

  • NFC Tools, a cool application for working with NFC tags and a PC/SC reader

    NFC Tools, a cool application for working with NFC tags and a PC/SC reader

    Today we’re going to offer you an article that’s a little different from our usual fare, since it’s less about going into the details of how to implement a SpringCard product than about presenting a small piece of software that can help you discover the world of NFC and contactless smart cards. It’s called NFC…

  • Using NXP RFIDDiscover with SpringCard PC/SC Couplers

    RFIDDiscover (formerly MifareDiscover) is a GUI software provided by NXP to help the developers explore the features of their contactless cards (Mifare, Desfire, NTAG and ICode) and learn how-to use them from a real application. This software is available to customers under NDA with NXP, through the DocStore document delivery platform (ref. SW1866). This article…

  • Using NXP Card Test Framework with SpringCard PC/SC Couplers

    Card Test Framework is a GUI software provided by NXP to help the developers explore the features of their contactless cards (Mifare, Desfire, NTAG and ICode) and learn how-to use them from a real application. This software is available to customers under NDA (non-disclosure agreement) with NXP, through the DocStore document delivery platform (ref. SW5434).…

  • Using NXP TapLinx SDK with SpringCard PC/SC couplers

    NXP TapLinx SDK (formerly Mifare SDK) is an high-level sofware library provided by NXP to work with their Mifare, Desfire, NTAG and ICode products. Written in Java, the TapLinx library has been initially developed for Android, running over Android’s NfcAdapter object to communicate with the contactless cards or NFC tags through the tablet’s or smartphone’s…