NFC Tools, a cool application for working with NFC tags and a PC/SC reader

Today we’re going to offer you an article that’s a little different from our usual fare, since it’s less about going into the details of how to implement a SpringCard product than about presenting a small piece of software that can help you discover the world of NFC and contactless smart cards.

It’s called NFC Tools, and has been developed by Wakdev.

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Card analysis on NFCWizard is a free web-based online service, created and managed by SpringCard. Thanks to a Java applet, NFCWizard makes it possible to read and write SmartPoster or vCard tags directly within your web browser! NFCWizard is compliant with NFC Forum type 2 tags (Mifare UL family, and equivalent chips) and NFC Forum type 4 tags … Read more

Cardpeek – open source tool to read the content of smartcards

We’ve discovered a new open source project (lead by “L1L1”) that sounds promising. Cardpeek is a Linux tool to read the contents of ISO7816 smartcards. It uses a PC/SC reader to communicate with the card, and its GTK GUI represents card data is a tree view. Cardpeek list of supported cards is expandable thanks to … Read more