Year: 2013

  • KitKat: Impact of the latest Android OS on card emulation

    “Who controls the smartphone?” is the obvious question that can lead to generating profits from every transaction by the controlling parties. NFC use on smartphones allows for 3 modes of operation:  tag reading/writing, peer-to-peer and card emulation. The card emulation mode is the most interesting mode for the companies involved in such developments because it…

  • SpringCard PC/SC SDK version 2.12

    The version 2.12 of our PC/SC SDK is now available for download: You can use it with our products in the SpringCard CSB6 Family (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger and CrazyWriter) and our NFC readers/encoders (H512, NFC’Roll).

  • Firmware release 1.75 for H512 and NFC’Roll

    A new firmware version (release 1.75.2) has just been published for SpringCard H512 and NFC’Roll. This firmware improves the behaviour in card emulation and peer-to-peer (initiator) mode, allowing more reliable exchanges with most smartphones running either in reader or peer-to-peer (target) mode. The same version will be released very soon for H663 and Prox’N’Roll PC/SC.…

  • Using SCardControl under Linux and from a Java program

    SCardControl is the PC/SC function that makes it possible for the application to invoke ‘proprietary’ functions, implemented either in the PC/SC reader itself (CSB6, Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, EasyFinger or CrazyWriter) , or in its driver running on the PC, or in the PC/SC middleware. The prototype is: LONG SCardControl( SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwControlCode, LPCVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD nInBufferSize, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD nOutBufferSize, LPDWORD…