Calypso Explorer now available for download

SpringCard contactless readers are often used together with Calypso cards, that are used worldwide by some major transport operators (‘Navigo’ in Paris for instance). We are now offering for free two software utilities we’ve developed to retrieve and explain the content of those cards :

  • Calypso XML Dump is a CLI written in C that reads the files of a Calypso card (‘1TIC.ICA’ card application), applies Intercode rules to decode the records, and export the result as XML files. This is convenient to make dumps of cards for later processing.
  • Calypso Explorer is a .NET based software with an ‘explorer-like’ GUI. It also reads the files and applies the Intercode rules, then directly show the result in its window.

Both software work with PC/SC readers. They make use of SpringCard library for Calypso (provided as a DLL in the package).

Download SpringCard Calypso Explorer software

Complete source code is provided, showing how you can embedd this DLL into your own sofware. It allows fast and easy development of PC-based applications using Calypso cards. Our LICENSE allows you to use the software freely (binary and/or source) provided that you use it together with one of our hardware products (to name a few : Prox’N’Roll PC/SC, CSB6 PC/SC, CrazyWriter PC/SC).

Screenshots :

Calypso Explorer : select the PC/SC reader
Calypso Explorer : choosing the PC/SC reader

Calypso Explorer : card's details
Calypso Explorer : dump of the card.
It reads Card.EnvHolder.Record #1.Environment.Network = 250901. This is a ‘Navigo’ card, from Paris network (subway and suburbian trains).

Calypso XML Dump
Calypso XMP Dump : the same card, shown as XML.
Call calypso_xml_dump -o xml_file.xml to redirect the output to a file.

References :

  • Calypso is a standard initially developed and promoted by Innovatron, SNCF and RATP in Paris. It is now promoted by a non-for-profit-organisation, the Calypso Network Association. Note that access to the specification of the cards is limited, and that some features of the cards have been patented by Innovatron (secure session and ratification). Our customers shall buy readers including the patent licence-fee (‘-C’ suffix in the part number) if they want to perform a complete Calypso transaction.
  • The Intercode specification describes how the record shall be structured (the final aim is to achieve interoperability between transport networks). It is based on the data types described by EN1515 standard. The specification is available at

Calypso Explorer has been developed with SharpDevelop IDE, a really good alternative to Microsoft Visual Studio (fast, easy, and on top of that, free and open). Calypso XML Dump has been developed with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.