NFC, RFID HF, smart cards, secure transactions, PC/SC. And much more.
Optimize the standby consumption of the M519 and leverage LPCD
An HF NFC/RFID reader or coupler usually spends most of its operating time waiting for a contactless card to arrive. To detect this arrival, the reader or coupler must Obviously, this means that most of the operating time consists of… wasting a lot of energy, just to wait. The Tartar Steppe (Il deserto dei Tartari)…
NFC Tools, a cool application for working with NFC tags and a PC/SC reader
Today we’re going to offer you an article that’s a little different from our usual fare, since it’s less about going into the details of how to implement a SpringCard product than about presenting a small piece of software that can help you discover the world of NFC and contactless smart cards. It’s called NFC…
How to configure a Puck as a reader to read a SpringPass virtual card using keyboard emulation?
SpringCard Puck family products can be used to read contactless passes carried by NFC smartphones. In the SmartReader operating mode, the reader is standalone to run and the computer receives RFID/NFC pass data as if someone would type it on the keyboard. SpringPass by SpringCard is a service for generating NFC passes in order to…
How to read RFID/NFC passes with SpringCard PC/SC couplers
SpringCard contactless PC/SC couplers (NFC/RFID HF) can be used to read contactless passes carried by NFC smartphones. In particular, the Prox’N’Roll HSP PC/SC and the PUCK configured as PC/SC have been certified :
Using SpringCard PC/SC Couplers with a Raspberry Pi 4
SpringCard PC/SC Couplers like the H663 family (CrazyWriter HSP, Prox’N’Roll HSP, TwistyWriter HSP…) and the new SpringCore family (PUCK…) are well supported by Linux systems thanks the open-source PCSC-Lite stack and its CCID driver. All these devices are easy to operate on early Raspberry Pi with little to no specificities. This has changed on Raspberry…
SCardSniffer2 spies the exchanges between a PC/SC application and a smart card
SCardSniffer is a new free tool used to spy (list) all the exchanges between an NFC tag and a Windows application using PC/SC standard.