Card analysis on NFCWizard is a free web-based online service, created and managed by SpringCard. Thanks to a Java applet, NFCWizard makes it possible to read and write SmartPoster or vCard tags directly within your web browser! NFCWizard is compliant with NFC Forum type 2 tags (Mifare UL family, and equivalent chips) and NFC Forum type 4 tags (ISO 7816-4, including complete handling of Desfire EV1 chips). All you need is a SpringCard PC/SC reader.

More than that, NFCWizard provides a free and easy-to-use card « analysis » tool, that given a smartcard will tell you want kind of chip it may be, and/or what kind of application it may host. You can use NFCWizard with our products in the SpringCard CSB6 Family (CSB6Prox’N’Roll PC/SCEasyFinger and CrazyWriter) and our NFC readers/encoders (H512NFC’Roll).

Click here for a direct access to NFCWizard’s card analysis page.