NFC Tags in a nutshell
An NFC Tag is a regular ISO 14443 card (either a memory card or a microprocessor-based smartcard), holding a specific content. Depending on this content, the “reader” will perform automatically a predefined action. Typical actions are :
- open a URL (Internet address),
- dial a number or send an SMS (if the reader is a mobile phone),
- launch a software,
- etc…
NFC tags are for instance embedded in Smart Posters, a new media for advertisement. Users seing the poster and touching its NFC tag with their NFC-enabled mobile phone or smartphone they may receive easily coupons or detailed information, or be prompted to buy online the advertised goods.

NFC Forum, the organisation in charge of NFC standardization, has registered 4 types of NFC Tags :
- NFC Type 1 tags : Innovision Research & Technology TOPAZ chips (proprietary communication protocol on top of ISO 14443-A modulation)
- NFC Type 2 tags : NXP MIFARE Ultralight and Ultralight C chips (proprietary communication protocol on top of ISO 14443-A modulation)
- NFC Type 3 tags : Sony FELICA chips (proprietary modulation and communication)
- NFC Type 4 tags : standard ISO 7816-4 smartcards using ISO 14443 A or B up to layer 4
NXP and Nokia also support using NXP MIFARE Classic (1k/4k) tags. Visit NXP’s website for more information on how to make NFC tags using their chips (including MIFARE DESfire as Type 4 tags).
The format on the content stored in the tags is specified by NFC Forum in NDEF standard (NFC Data Exchange Format).
Getting started with NFC Tags thanks to SpringCard readers and software
SpringCard has developed a set of software -with sources included in the new release of the SDKs- to demonstrate how NFC tags are encoded and processed by SpringCard contactless readers.
Customize your tags using NFC Tool
NFC Tool is a desktop application (Windows) to encode and read common NFC tags. NFC Tool works with PC/SC readers (Prox’N’Roll, CrazyWriter or CSB6 namely).

Easily read and write NFC content in your cards using NFC Tool : Choose between SmartPoster, Text or URI ; fill in your URL or Text ; encode it to generate the NDEF and write it to your card.
At the date of writing, NFC Tool supports the following tags :
- MIFARE Classic cards (standard 1K/4K) as NFC Type 2 tags ;
- MIFARE UltraLight (MF0ICU1) and UltraLight C (MF0ICU2) cards as NFC Type 2 tags ;
- TOPAZ by Innovision cards as NFC Type 1 tags.
NFC Tool can be found in our PC/SC SDK (C# application for .NET framework).
Read NFC tags on your Pocket PC using NFC Decoder
NFC Decoder is a lighweight application for Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) that allows you to open an URL from an NFC tag card. NFC Decoder works with either SpringProx-CF, SpringProx-CF UP or SpringWAP through SpringProx API. It supports MIFARE 1K, MIFARE 4K and MIFARE UltraLight or UltraLight C as NFC Type 2 tags.

(C# application for .NET compact framework).