SpringCard and Effitic ready for ‘at-home’ card-based services

Effitic, a french software engineering company, has set up a working demo that demonstrates how public transportation cards could be reloaded at home thanks to SpringCard’s contactless readers. In this architecture, all the business logic and the security components (SAM or HSM) are centralised in Effitic’s back-office server. A lightweight Java applet runs in a … Read more

Contactless ticketing and pre-payment using Mifare UltraLight C and Prox’N’Roll

Last saturday, SpringCard Prox’N’Roll PC/SC was the core component of the access control and payment system during the annual gala of french high-school École Centrale d’Électronique (ECE) located in Paris. NXP Mifare UltraLight C chips were embedded in the disposable wristbands (featuring the SpringCard logo) that were worn by 3000 attendees. Starting from SpringCard SDK, … Read more