PC/SC Troubleshooting on Windows

Following our PC/SC installation guide on Windows, you’ve installed the appropriate driver, and made sure the “Smart Card” service is running on your Windows computer.
But still, your PC/SC reader doens’t appear on PC/SC Diagnostic.

Please first check in your device manager that your SpringCard PC/SC reader is properly installed (it should appear under Smart Card Reader).

Now, if the drivers are properly installed, the “Smart Card” service is running, but the reader doesn’t show up on the diagnostic tool, the reason must be one of the following :

  1. A third party security-related software or single-login solution takes full control over the PC/SC subsystem
  2. The computer is either running in a virtual machine or in a remote session on a terminal server
  3. Access to PC/SC readers has been disabled by the corporate administrators through a group policy
  4. A driver from one of our competitors has corrupted the registry

For reasons 1 and 2, SpringCard cannot offer any help.

For reason 3 : you should try to run a copy of our PC/SC Diagnostic tool, located on the C: drive, being logged in as Administrator. If this works, your reader is properly installed.

For reason 4, the problem is in the registry permission for LOCAL_SERVICE :
Open the registry editor (“regedit”) :

  1. Right-click on the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Cryptography/Calais and select Permissions…
  2. Click Add.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Click Locations.
  5. Click on the computer name and click OK.
  6. In the window ‘Select user or groups’, click on Find now.
  7. Select LOCAL SERVICE.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the window ‘Select user or groups’, click OK.
  10. In the window ‘Permissions for Calais’, click on LOCAL SERVICE and make sure ‘Full control’ , ‘Read’ and ‘special permissions’ are allowed.
  11. In the window “Advance Security Settings for Calais”, deactivate the options “Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects…”
  12. When the window “Security” appears, click Copy.
  13. In the window “Advance Security Settings for Calais”, activate the option “Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects” and click OK.
  14. In the window “Security” click Yes
  15. In the window “Permissions for Calais”, click OK.

Restart the computer.