Author: johann.d
Writing a configuration with springcoreconfig.exe
SpringCore is the umbrella name to the new generation of SpringCard devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc.) that share the same MCU platform and the same overall architecture. springcoreconfig.exe, a software from the SpringCore Tools suite, is the command-line utility to manipulate device configurations. It is typically intended to upload a complete configuration at once, but is…
Flashing a new firmware with springcoreflash.exe
SpringCore is the umbrella name to the new generation of SpringCard devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc.) that share the same MCU platform and the same overall architecture. springcoreflash.exe, a software from the SpringCore Tools suite, is the command-line utility to change a device’s firmware (i.e. to “flash” a firmware). This article shows how springcoreflash.exe works.
Retrieving device’s data with springcoretool.exe
SpringCore is the umbrella name to the new generation of SpringCard devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc.) that share the same MCU platform and the same overall architecture. springcoretool.exe, a software from the SpringCore Tools suite, is the command-line utility to retrieve and display all device’s technical data. This article shows how springcoretool.exe works.
Installing the SpringCore Tools on Windows, macOS and Linux
SpringCore is the umbrella name to the new generation of SpringCard devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc.) that share the same MCU platform and the same overall architecture. To manage, configure and update these devices, SpringCard has developed SpringCard Companion, a complete and versatile hybrid solution that combines the ergonomics of a modern web application with the…
Getting started with SpringCard Companion
SpringCard Companion is the new all-in-one solution to manage, configure and update the latest generation of SpringCard “SpringCore” devices (Puck, SpringPark, etc). SpringCard Companion is an hybrid application that combines a clean, efficient and always up-to-date web front-end with a tiny local software, the Companion Service, that is the gateway between the cloud and the…
PCSCCheck, the all-in-one tool to validate and tune your PC/SC installation
An analysis of the questions that are the most frequently asked to our technical support shows that many issues and concerns are due to the settings or the behaviour of Windows operating system itself. This is particularly the case in security-enforced corporate environments, where strict administrative policies may prevent the user to install the right…