Author: johann.d

  • SpringCard PC/SC solution for Android has been released

    SpringCard PC/SC solution for Android has been released

    SpringCard R&D team is proud to release a simple software solution to add support for SpringCard USB PC/SC Couplers to Android tablets (or smartphone). The software is made of two parts: SpringCard PC/SC Service for Android, a freeware application that installs directly from Google Play SpringCard PC/SC Library for Android, an open-source library that makes…

  • scpcsc_feed completes MultiConf

    scpcsc_feed is a command-line utility for Windows which is a companion-tool for MultiConf in case you need to configure numerous SpringCard PC/SC couplers in batch mode, or change the settings quickly without a needing a full-featured GUI. scpcsc_feed is available at Just unzip the archive in the folder you want, and open a command…

  • New firmware for all SpringCard PC/SC couplers based on the H663 core

    SpringCard has just released a new firmware version, tagged 2.00, for its H663 core. The H663 core is a versatile contactless+contact module, which supports virtually all proximity/RFID HF chip cards (ISO 14443 & ISO 15693 standards, including Mifare, Calypso, etc), NFC-enabled mobile phones or other objects (ISO 18092, peer-to-peer in initiator mode, passive communication scheme),…

  • MultiDiag : the all-in-one tool to help SpringCard Support diagnose your configuration

    Presentation SpringCard Support Team is commited into giving the best support service to our customers. In most situations, the first step to solve an issue or only to answer a particular information request is to collect a few technical data regarding the computer – and to clearly identify the SpringCard devices that are involved. MultiDiag…

  • Using Mifare Classic EV1 with SpringCard PC/SC readers

    NXP has recently started shipping a new generation of Mifare Classic chips, called Mifare Classic EV1 (part numbers MF1S50yyX/V1 for Mifare Classic EV1 1K and MF1S70yyX/V1 for Mifare Classic EV1 4K). The chips are 100% compliant with earlier Mifare Classic 1K and 4K, with 2 subtle differences: the kind of protocol-level ID to be used…

  • rfidscan-tool : driving your Prox’N’Roll RFID Scanner’s LEDs and buzzer

    The rfidscan-tool command line The rfidscan-tool command line application is available for any OS that supports libusb, HID-API or hidraw. We’ve tested it on: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 Mac OS X Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc) Raspberry Pi (on Raspbian distro) rfidscan-tool has been inspired by blink1-tool, the command-line application that controls…